A Bitcoin millionare is donating $4 million to MDMA research

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This one has to be one of the most epic things to come out of cryptocurrency wealth. An anonymous Bitcoin millionaire is donating $4,000,000 towards research into MDMA treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

The now-famous research program conducted by Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, also known as MAPS, will be eligible to receive this money on the condition that they also raise the same amount of money before March 10, 2018.

If the money is raised, clinical trials will enter Phase III testing having been granted breakthrough status by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in August last year.

The anonymous donor explained further in a statement:

“PTSD is a severe condition that affects everyone from sexual assault survivors to military veterans. MDMA-assisted psychotherapy has shown great promise. We’re offering the matching grant because we think the psychedelic and cryptocurrency communities can work together to finish funding Phase III clinical trials.”

This sounds like a hopeful step in using MDMA in safe amounts to better the quality of life of people suffering from PTSD, and maybe beyond. Studies have also shown that magic mushrooms and Ketamine could treat depression.