Unity Have Issued A Warning About Pink SUPERMAN Ecstasy Pills

Pink Superman ecstasy pills

Unity in partnership with Celebrate Safe, a platform for providing tips and reliable information on how to party consciously and safely, have put out a public warning regarding a pink Superman ecstasy pill with logo on both sides.

They warned that the pink Superman pill is currently being sold as ecstasy but contains a very dangerous dose of PMMA!

Symptoms of PMMA poisoning are: Overheating, heart, liver and kidney failure.

Pink Superman ecstasy pill
Superman ecstasy pill

Keep in mind that less is more,

Taking a high dose will increase the undesirable side effects such as rigid and grinding jaws, forgetfulness, confusion, a restless feeling, nausea and vomiting.

At higher doses the desired effects (the famous “love” feeling) will decrease, and you’ll experience more adverse (speedy) effects.

If you’re currently in Amsterdam, you can ask for medical attention, just visit the first aid or call 112 (NL). The people there are professionals and everything you’ll tell them is strictly confidential. You will not get fined or arrested for drugs use in the Netherlands.

Stay informed and up to date during ADE- Amsterdam Dance Event : facebook.com/unity.nl and twitter.com/unityinfo