New Donald Trump ecstasy pills are flooding the drugs market. Produced in Amsterdam, the pink and orange ecstasy pills contain dangerously high levels of MDMA.
One website, which offers 1,000 of the pills for £1,200, cashes in on the President’s famous catchphrase, with the line: “Trump makes partying great again.” They have been moulded and pressed into the exact shape of Donald Trump‘s head and face.
Another website, seen by Daily Star investigators, promises: “Quality orange Donald Trump tablets. Very nice press, really detailed. Comes in the actual shape of the head of the President of the USA.” adding: “These pills will blow your head off.”

Be careful ! These new Donald Trump ecstasy pills are reported to be highly potent and potentially dangerous as they contain a potentially hazardous amount of MDMA (220 mg).
One source claimed they were going for about £8 a pill.