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blue punisher ecstasy pill

WARNING: Stay Clear of the Punisher Ecstasy pills

It seems as if a hazardous batch of Ecstasy pills are floating around the United Kingdom, and perhaps in other parts of the country...

EDM Attendees top the Charts for Drug Use [Full List]

While going to electronic dance music events and festivals with a clear mind is a truly beautiful experience, according to a recent study by...
most popular ecstasy pills

Political group calls on government to regulate Ecstasy production

It seems as if world leaders are starting to take note of the rise of ecstasy/MDMA. It is not a drug that is booming...

1 dead, 16 hospitalised and 130 attendees sought treatment after music festival

Another tragedy struck the rave culture. Following Knockout 2018 – Games of Destiny, a dance music festival in Sydney, Australia, nineteen-year-old Callum Brosnan, from...
music festival

18 yr-old girl, died after taking ‘double-strength’ Ecstasy pills at music festival

An 18 year old girl who took two ‘double-strength’ ecstasy tablets at a major music festival near Portsmouth died after fitting for 50 minutes,...
transformers ecstasy pills

Multiple teenage deaths reported after consuming Transformers ecstasy pills

There has been some devastating news coming out of Devon and Cornwall describing some horrible teenage deaths caused by blue Transformers ecstasy pills. Despite...
most popular ecstasy pills

Legendary DJ arrested on airport on suspicion of smuggling ecstasy

Legendary DJ and producer, David Morales has been arrested in Japan on suspicion of drug smuggling after customs officials claimed they discovered ecstasy in...
md bomb

20-yr-old man died after taking so-called MD ‘Bomb’

A student suffered multiple organ failure and a cardiac arrest after taking a MDMA 'Bomb' at a nightclub. Patrick Coakley took cocaine and ecstasy while visiting...
how long drugs stay in your system

Here’s how long Drugs stay in your system !

After a long weekend out partying with your friends, you might wonder how long certain drugs might stay in your body. Have a big...

Warning over dangerous Yellow UPS and Pink AUDI Ecstasy pills !

Creamfields festival and Drug testing charity The Loop have issued warnings over Yellow 'UPS' pills being sold as MDMA and Pink AUDI ecstasy pills. Yellow UPS ecstasy pills sold...

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